Highlights of this Course
This course covers the fundamentals of interactive computer
simulation for military training, computer gaming, and
digital engineering.
Course Description
EIN5255 focuses on the fundamentals of interactive computer
simulation. One goal is to provide some insight into the
use of simulation to train military personnel, entertain
people with virtual worlds, and create digital laboratories
for designing new products. Another goal is to describe
the computer animation, logic, networking, and mathematic
algorithms required to make such sysems work. Much of
the course focuses on simulation networking and the issues
that software developers and engineers face in creating
these systems. Students will learn to create 3-D models
and insert them into virtual worlds. Topics discussed
include: introduction to simulation applications, 3-D
modeling and animation, networking, latency, protocol
design, and system architectures.
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Staff |
Prof. Roger Smith
Prof. Nabil Rami
Course Meeting Times |
One session / week
2.75 hours / session
One session / week
Student Self-Direction
Level |
Feedback |
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